Monday, April 11, 2011

Side Affects Of Steroids.....

I have compiled a list of side affects which I have found to be said to happen when you take steroids.I shall be a pretty picture if they all hit me. Not counting on that though. Out of the list of over 20 I have about 11 going on that I know of. What it is doing to my internal organs I will never know. But in fact I do know that at this point my vision is a tad better than 2 weeks ago when beginning this program, it comes and goes with the blurriness. There is no price tag on vision. I will do all I can to take care of my eyes. Blindness with the MS has always been my biggest fear. Not that I worried about it daily or momentarily but looking towards the future when having everyday blurriness being regular in your life you can not help but wonder where is this going for me. I cast it to the Lord. He is in charge of me. But yet I need to do the wise things available to me also. They say carrots are good for your eyes. All my life I have loved carrots and ate plenty of them. Over 35 years ago I started drinking carrot juice, being the health fanatic (nut) that I am. When getting MS 27 years ago I followed a nutritionists plan and did what he said to do with mega doses of carrot and green juices. I am now on my second top of the line juicer in 35 years. I believe it can work. But at this time the MS has the optic nerve in my eye swollen and causing field vision problems & blurriness for me. So along with my juicing program (remember from past post....natural juicing, eating and supplements got me into a remission for 19 years of the MS) and healthy eating plans I pop the tiny, tiny pills this month.
I found out today that steroid use can affect the endocrine system along with all other possible disadvantages it has to offer me. Isn't that just "sweet". 
My doctor is having my blood tested again this week, so I will trust that the healthy eating I have done in my past and I am doing at this time will keep the unseen to me functioning number right where the doc wants them. Life. Could be worse. Of that I am very thankful. Feel like a guinea pig? Yes I do. But I am not out there alone.....the whole world is one. Practice medicine....that is what they do..."practice". What does that mean to you? Not criticizing the world of medical knowledge because I need them now. Just hoping I have put my faith and trust in the right doctors. I am sure I have. I would fire one of them if I though I had not. That is my right as a patient, they work for me. I have a wonderful team of 5 specialists and 2 physical therapist (well 3) I am seeing at the moment. They are all working together to get me back to where I need to be....or at least stop the progression. For that I am grateful to modern medicine. Incorporated with my nutritional knowledge from working with my nutritionist many years ago when this all began and paying very close attention to my bodies reaction to all that is going on and most importantly to God Almighty in the highest Heavens to hear my prayers and the prayers of others and sustain me through this time....this is what I want to be....a picture of health once again. Inside and out. These things will get me to the other side. Where I need to be. Where I want to be.
Healthy once more.
The list I gathered is way to long.....but it was a real eye opener for me.So now I rest, watch and attack when off this course of 28 day of tiny, tiny pills.
moodiness, puffy face, water retention, weight gain, muscle weakness, bruise easily, thinning of skin, poor wound healing, acid reflux, increased appetite, insomnia....these are the ones I have....there are many more which could surface....which I do hope not.